§ 3.68.080. Sick leave credit at retirement.  

Latest version.
  • Pursuant to California Government Code Section 31641.03, those county employees who are members of the county employees' retirement system and who retire on or after November 1, 1988, shall, in addition to their service credit, be credited for fifty (50) percent of their unused paid sick leave accumulated as of the date of their retirement. This section shall not become applicable unless the board of retirement agrees to amortize the costs of this benefit over a thirty (30) year period. In lieu of the provisions of paragraph one, employees in Item Nos. 0035 EM, 0190 EM, 0295 EM, 1005 EM, 1849 EM, 2055 EM, 2950 EM, 3140 EM, 3260 EM, 4190 EM, 5050 EM, 6085 EM, and 6150 EM, who retire on or after December 24, 2000, shall, in addition to their service credit, be credited for seventy-five (75) percent of their unused paid sick leave accumulated as of the date of their retirement.

(Ord. 2001-31 § 1; prior admin. code § 3-5.08)