§ 2.70.040. Organization—Quorum—Meetings—Attendance—Rules and regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The commission shall annually select four members to serve as chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer, respectively. Seven commissioners shall constitute a quorum. A motion by any member may be passed by a majority of the members attending a meeting. The commission shall meet at least once every two months in a room accessible to the public in a county building. Additional or special meetings may be called at any time by the chair or by seven or more members of the commission and may be held in any place accessible to the public. The appointment of any member who has been absent from three successive regular or special meetings without the approval of the commission is automatically terminated, and the appointing member of the board of supervisors shall appoint his or her successor, except ex officio members. The commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business not inconsistent herewith, and any such rules and regulations shall be published and made available to the public.

(Ord. 2002 § 1 (part): prior admin. code § 5-36.04)