§ 2.70.030. Commissioners—Terms—Appointment—Qualifications.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The commission shall consist of fifteen (15) members appointed by members of the board of supervisors and seven ex officio members, as follows: each supervisor shall appoint three members. The ex officio member shall be the following individuals:


    Director of Alameda County community development agency;


    Director of Alameda County public works agency;


    Director of Alameda County general services agency;


    Dean of Fine Arts of the California State University at Hayward;


    Director of the Oakland Museum of California;


    Director of the Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive of the University of California at Berkeley;


    Dean of the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland; or their respective authorized representative.


    The fifteen (15) appointed members of the commission shall serve at the pleasure of their respective appointing supervisor and shall have terms of four years. No member shall serve more than two terms in succession, except the ex officio members who shall serve as long as they hold the office that qualifies them as ex officio members. The appointing member of the board of supervisors shall fill any vacancy on the commission occurring among his or her appointees; the person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired term of the person he or she succeeds. In addition to the above twenty-two (22) voting members of the commission, the board of supervisors may appoint one of its own members to act as a liaison representative to the commission, without voting power or office on the commission. Each appointed member of the commission shall be a resident of the county of Alameda.

(Ord. 2202-5 § 1 (part): Ord. 95-73 § 1: prior admin. code § 5-36.03)