§ 2.26.030. General powers and duties—Public prosecutor.  

Latest version.
  • The District Attorney is the public prosecutor and shall have all the powers and perform the duties prescribed by the State Constitution, state law, the County Charter, and ordinances not inconsistent therewith, which duties shall include, but not by way of limitation:


    To attend the courts and conduct all prosecutions for public offenses;


    To institute proceedings before magistrates for the arrest of persons charged with or reasonably suspected of public offenses;


    When not engaged in criminal proceedings in the Superior court to attend upon the magistrates in case of arrest when required by them;


    To attend before and give advice to the Grand Jury whenever cases are presented to it for its consideration;


    To draw all indictments and information;


    To perform all other duties required by law or ordinances not inconsistent therewith relating to prosecutions of public offenses.

(Prior admin. code § 5-8.03)